Size: r18,5 h8,5
Sferična posuda za cvijeće je jedinstvena ne samo oblikom već i gingivalnim karakterom. To je ono što daje to je njegova jedinstvenost. Dio posebne kolekcije "Linije" koja ima dašak jednostavnosti, a opet ima poseban i atraktivan izgled.
Biljke vole beton. Zbog poroznosti materijala one u njemu lako nalaze dom. Naš savjet je presaditi biljke direktno u posudu te im dopustiti da se prilagode uz oprezno odražavanje. Savjet: sukulenti i sve biljke koje ne cvjetaju su dobrodošle u nase posude.
The spherical flower pot is unique
not only in shape but also in its swingy character. This is what gives
it its uniqueness. Part of the special collection “Lines” has a touch of simplicity and yet has a special and attractive look.Plants love concrete. Due to the porosity of the material, they easily find a home in it. Our advice is to transplant the plants directly into a pot and allow them to adapt with careful reflection. Tip: Succulents and all non-flowering plants are welcome in our pots.
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